Unlimited Collaborative Clinical Trials

The Linda & Dennis Clark ’68 Small Animal Teaching Hospital will expand opportunities for the Texas A&M College of Veterinary Medicine & Biomedical Sciences (VMBS) to advance treatments, surgeries, and healthcare research by providing a space conducive to collaboration among colleagues across Texas A&M University and beyond. 

We invite you to join us in building upon the VMBS’s tradition of research excellence; in expanding our influence in collaborative, cutting-edge research; and in furthering advances in veterinary medicine and human health by giving now.

An infographic detailing how many clinical trials across 11 services in the SATH enrolled patients

Global One Health: Collaboration
in Support of Translational Medicine

Dr. Creevy examines dog patty while a tech and another dog are in the background

Dog Aging Project: TRIAD

Part of Dr. Kate Creevy’s Dog Aging Project, TRIAD is a collaborative clinical trial examining promising anti-aging effects of the drug rapamycin. This trial:

    • includes 350 dogs from around the country who will visit cardiologists at Texas A&M and partnering veterinary teaching hospitals. The Dog Aging Project has more than 80,000 enrolled dogs whose owners participate by filling out surveys on their pets over the course of 10 years.
    • is funded by the National Institute on Aging, part of the National Institutes of Health (NIH). The Dog Aging Project is a $23-million initiative co-led by University of Washington School of Medicine researchers.
    • has translational value for humans and has received considerable media attention.
Dr. A. Saunders with colleagues from College of Engineering testing a cardiovascular teaching device

Cardiac Effects of Chagas Disease

Dr. Ashley Saunders, in collaboration with Dr. Sarah Hamer and Dr. Jörg Steiner from the VMBS, is evaluating the cardiac impact of the protozoan parasite Trypanosoma cruzi on naturally infected, asymptomatic dogs to guide future, novel prevention, and treatment studies. The trial:

    • is funded by the American Kennel Club and private donations designated for Chagas disease research.
    • is one of the multiple studies being conducted on this disease, which is transmitted by kissing bugs and damages the heart, leading to heart failure and sudden death.
    • is highly translational because Chagas disease affects both animals and humans in the United States and Latin America.

Advancing Medicine: A Vision of National Leadership

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Testing A Non-Surgical Treatment

When Oscar, a 5-year-old Dachshund, developed partial paralysis from a herniated disc, he became the first dog to experience a new, non-surgical treatment through a clinical trial at the SATH. Herniated discs are common in short-legged breeds like Dachshunds and can cause rapid onset of paralysis. Rather than surgically removing the damaged disc, the new method involves injecting an enzyme into the disc to dissolve it. Learn more…
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Mitral Valve Disease in Dogs

Dr. Sonya Gordon’s EPIC clinical trial produced an effective treatment for canine mitral valve disease, a condition characterized by the degeneration of the mitral valve that accounts for more than 75% of all canine heart disease and heart failure in dogs. She also is collaborating on projects with the Texas A&M School of Medicine, Baylor College of Medicine, colleagues in the Cardiology Service, and others. Learn more…
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GI Lab Tests Available Worldwide

Through Dr. Jörg Steiner’s Gastrointestinal (GI) Laboratory, veterinary specialists, and specialists-in-training, lead research and development that has increased diagnostic capabilities and accuracy. Because of partnerships with companies like IDEXX, the GI Lab’s tests also are available to veterinarians around the world. In addition, Steiner has collaborated on treatments for GI diseases that affect human beings and animals. Learn more…
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Brain Cancer in Dogs and Humans

Dr. Beth Boudreau’s study testing the efficacy of a targeted immunotherapy drug on canine gliomas, in conjunction with The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center and Jackson Laboratory for Genomic Medicine, has been submitted to Clinical Cancer Research—a human oncology medical journal. Gliomas are the second-most-common type of canine brain cancer and occur in people. This research is moving into human trials. Learn more…