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If you’d like to donate now, please click the button and complete the secure online giving experience via the Texas A&M Foundation’s website.

The Texas A&M Foundation builds a brighter future for Texas A&M University, one relationship at a time. The Texas A&M Foundation is a 501(c) (3) tax-exempt organization. Gifts made to the Foundation are tax-deductible to the extent permitted by law.

Naming options are available, and we would be honored to work with you and your family to discuss options that align with your interests and giving capacity. Pledges in the initial phases of a campaign of this nature are critical as they demonstrate to other donors and prospective donors that a vast undergirding of support extends beyond the university.

For more information about Giving to the Next-Generation Small Animal Teaching & Research Hospital (NGSATRH) campaign, please contact Larry Walker, Assistant Vice President for Development, Texas A&M Foundation, at 979.845.9043 or

Become an Ambassador

Become an ambassador for the Texas A&M School of Veterinary Medicine & Biomedical Sciences (VMBS), the NGSATRH campaign, and the animals we serve. Our students, veterinarians, staff, donors, and former students alike serve as ambassadors, spreading the word, sharing facts, and generating excitement. Share our story. Share our vision for the future. Want to partner with us? Contact the VMBS Office of Development at 979.845.9043 or

Support a Bolder Vision

To achieve our bolder vision for a new NGSATRH, we will need the support of many friends and partners who believe in Texas A&M and who wish to advance veterinary medicine—like Linda and Dennis Clark ’68 ’71.

“Animals have always been an integral part of our lives. This university has an extraordinary veterinary school with talented people doing exciting research that will not only improve animal care but may also impact humans down the road. This gift was a big decision for us, and it ultimately came from us asking ourselves, ‘How can we facilitate what’s going on?’” ~ Linda Clark

“There is so much good work that is going on here, and so many animals that are being treated here. We need a facility that reflects everything that Texas A&M University and the veterinary school are about.” ~ Dennis Clark ’68 ’71

Linda & Dennis Clark '68

Together we can build a better future.

We can build a better life for the animals and families of Texas, the nation, and the world.